Beauty is
possible happiness

Knee shaping / Knee enhancment - Cosmetic clinic Dr. Funk in Munich

Body area


Stay in the clinic:
Outpatient up to 1 day, depending on the scale of the procedure

Local, half sleep or general anaesthetic

Return to everyday life:
Immediately up to 1 day

Aesthetically shaped legs with harmonically contoured thighs and calves can be achieved in many women with healthy nutrition and targeted training.


The area of the knees can however hardly be affected naturally by sporting activities or diets.


If you want a cosmetic-operation modelling of your knees, we can help you with a knee enhancement at our cosmetic clinic Dr. Funk in Munich. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis or for a stay of up to one day at our clinic. Then you can return to your everyday life very quickly.


Look forward to modern clothing to show off your knees!



Knee shaping - Enhancing the knee using liposuction

Liposuction is requested most frequently on fat-rich body regions such as abdomen, hips and buttocks in our patients. However, it is also the best method for knee modelling.


Especially if the kneecap is thick and clumsy due to disturbing fat deposits at the upper and lateral edge, we achieve an excellent visible result using liposuction.


You can find more information about liposuction on our website liposuction - methods and risks.



Reports of patient experiences

Thoughts before the knee shapingThoughts before the knee shaping

“Although I was very slim, I still had slight saddlebags, which annoyed me a lot when wearing tight clothes, which I had otherwise no problem wearing. Sports, diet were no use, but smaller liposuction removed the excess fat and I was rid of these areas of concern forever. My skinny jeans are now fun again.”





If you have any questions about “liposuction on the knee”, please contact us! Individual treatment and consultation must be important for both of us!



You have questions you want to ask us? Contact us

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